¡Únete a nosotros en un viaje histórico y transformador! Soy Diego F. Maya, Director Ejecutivo y fundador de US Latino Affairs Initiatives, y también el orgulloso fundador y presidente de The Latino Spirit. Cada año, a través de nuestra iniciativa TOP LATINOS de NEW JERSEY, celebramos y documentamos las historias inspiradoras de los latinos en Nueva Jersey.

Con más de 2 millones de latinos en nuestro estado, tenemos un rico tapiz de experiencias, logros y contribuciones que merecen ser reconocidos. Un panel distinguido de jueces, compuesto por funcionarios electos de Guatemala, Colombia, México, El Salvador, Puerto Rico y New Jersey, se encargará de revisar las nominaciones.

Los latinos en Estados Unidos son como el hermano menor que, a pesar de haber nacido cuando los demás ya eran adultos, ha aprendido rápidamente a caminar y a marcar una diferencia significativa. Este es nuestro momento para destacar esos pasos valientes y logros impresionantes.

Te invito a nominar a quienes han dejado una huella imborrable en nuestra comunidad. Participa en esta gran celebración de nuestra historia y contribuye a escribir el próximo capítulo de nuestra herencia latina en Nueva Jersey. ¡Hagamos historia juntos!


**Please Submit Registration Fee for Nominee**

There is a $22 fee for each nominee, which covers the following:
1. Graphic Design for Overall Nominee
2. Graphic Design for Individual Nominee
3. Database Insertion and Management of Nominee Information
4. Email to Each Nominee Requesting Information
5. Online Form for Each Nominee to Fill Out for Judge Panel
6. Online Form of Each Nominee for Judge Panel Review
7. Recognition Process for Nominees – 2024 US Latino Affairs Initiatives
8. Multiple Media Opportunities for Being Nominated


1. **Nominee Listing**: Nominees from last year will be listed, but only those who rank higher than the previous year will be included in the TOP 50. We will also list honorable mentions from counties with fewer Latinos.

2. **Self-Nominations**: Self-nominations are permitted, except for lawyers, doctors, government workers, realty salespeople, and any profession that requires educating customers and/or working with the community to offer a service.

3. **2024 Categories**: We are accepting nominations for Latino elected officials, Latino clergy, and Top Latino Community Friends. These three new categories will be separate from the Top Latinos of New Jersey, and we will list only the top 5 in each category statewide. Note: Once nominations are closed, these nominees will be voted on by the public, not the panel of judges.

4. **Entrepreneurs**: Entrepreneurs and business owners who generate employment and impact the Latino community with their endeavors are eligible for (self)nominations. Media companies led by a Latino entrepreneur are also eligible.

5. **Redemption Policy**: Formerly incarcerated individuals with non-violent offenses who have proven their reformation with evidence are accepted. However, formerly incarcerated sex offenders, violent offenders, and ANY individuals disbarred or terminated from committees or entities for unethical behavior, dishonesty, or embezzling public funds will not be listed.