Stoddard Park Improvements

The city, in partnership with the Osseo Commercial Club, is working on plans for updating Stoddard Park and would like to get your feedback on what ideas and improvements you would like to see made to that area. In addition to a new ADA compliant playground structure, we have had several ideas suggested to us and we would like to know what you and your family would be most interested in.

Please rate the following improvement ideas on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the least important to you and your family, and 5 being very important.

Not important at all
Very important
Not important at all
Very important
Not important at all
Very important
Not important at all
Very important
Not important at all
Very important
Not important at all
Very important
Not important at all
Very important
Not important at all
Very important
Not important at all
Very important
Not important at all
Very important
Not important at all
Very important
Not important at all
Very important